General assembly resolution 2625 pdf merge

Recalling its resolution 2625 xxv of 24 october 1970, and reiterating the. Complete document in pdf format requires acrobat reader. Requests the secretarygeneral to submit to the general assembly at its fortythird session, through the economic and social council, a progress report on the implementation of the present resolution and to the assembly at its fortyfourth session a consolidated report on the same subject. General assembly distr general 16 december 20 sixtyeighth session agenda item 50 44389 44389 please recycle resolution adopted by the general assembly on 11 december 20 on the report of the special political and decolonization committee fourth committee a68423 6874. Note that a resolution, as a formal instrument, may combine different provisions that, substantively, respectively recommend, decide or declare. The general assembly, recalling its resolution 1904 xviii of 20 november 1963, proclaiming the united nations declaration on the elimination of all forms of racial discrimination, and in particular its affirmation that any doctrine of racial differentiation or superiority.

At this stage, however, the doctrine in question merges into the theory of the. The united nations general assembly resolution 2625, the declaration on principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation among states was adopted by the general assembly on 24 october 1970, during a commemorative session to celebrate the twentyfifth anniversary of the united nations. Explanatory notes on articles 3 and 5 are to be found in paragraph 20 of the report of the special committee on the question of defining aggression official records of the general assembly, twentyninth session, supplement no. Resolution adopted by the general assembly on 24 june 2010 on the report of the fifth committee a64835 64288. General assembly resolution 5938 of 2 december 2004.

What southern cameroonians are fighting for is the restoration of their independence that was hijacked by. Recalling its resolution 2792 a xxvi of 6 december 1971 and all previous resolutions referred to therein, including resolution 194 iii of 11 december 1948. This was the declaration on principles of international law concerning friendly. Voters in each region were only given a choice between joining. Where resolution 15l4 cv has not been fully implemented with regard in 3 given territory, the general assembly shall continue to bear responsibility for that territory until such time as the people concerned has had an opportunity to exercise freely its right to selfdetermination and independence in accordance with the declaration. General assembly resolution 3314 xxix, with the definition of aggression annexed to it, was adopted on 14 december 1974 after protracted intergovernmental negotiations. Financing of the united nations office to the african union the general assembly. Requests the secretary general to follow the implementation of the present resolution and to report thereon to the general assembly. General assembly distr general 31 august 2010 sixtyfourth session agenda items 2, 146, 161 and 163 0947911 0947911 please rec cle. Resolutions and decisions, 23 october 15 december 1946. Aug 31, 2018 b in this connexion, the general assembly draws the attention of the security council to the need to continue to give special attention to the problems of southern africa by adopting measures to ensure the full implementation of general aseembly resolution 1514 xv of 14 december 1960 and its own resolutions, and in particular.

Ares67290 format and organizational aspects of the highlevel political forum on sustainable development. United nations general assembly resolution wikipedia. A5100 1608xv, 21 april 1961, by the vote of the majority of the member states present, granted the independence of southern cameroons. Taking note of the annual report of the commissionergeneral of the united nations relief and works agency for palestine refugees in the near east, covering the period from 1 july 1971 to 30 june 1972,1. Recalling its resolution 63219, in which it decided to convene, during its sixtyfifth session in 2010, as a contribution to the international year of biodiversity, a highlevel meeting of the general assembly, with the participation of heads of state and government, 3 see resolution 601. United nations general assembly resolution 3314 xxix. The general assembly, in its resolution 67166 on human rights in the administration of justice, requested the secretary general to submit to the assembly at its sixtyeighth session and to the human rights council at its twentyfourth session a report on the latest developments, challenges and good practices in human. World war and general assembly resolution 3314 xxix. The declaration worked out the most authoritative and comprehensive. The united nations resolution 1608xv, 21 april 1961, by the vote of the majority of the member states present, granted the independence of southern cameroons. Resolutions and decisions adopted by the general assembly during its 1st session. The general assembly, in its resolution 67166 on human rights in the administration of justice, requested the secretarygeneral to submit to the assembly at its sixtyeighth session and to the human rights council at its twentyfourth session a report on the latest developments, challenges and good practices in.

The general assembly, recalling it resolution 1815 xvii of 18 december 1962, 1966 xviii of 16 december 1963, 2103 xx of 20 december 1965, 2327 xxii of 18 december 1967, 2463 xxiii of 20 december 1968 and 2533 xxiv of 8 december 1969, in which it affirmed the importance of the progressive development and codification of the principles of international law concerning friendly. United nations general assembly resolution 3379 wikipedia. Modalities for the intergovernmental negotiations of the global compact for safe, orderly and regular migration the general assembly, recalling its resolution 711 of 19 september 2016, entitled new york. The general assembly is the main deliberative, policymaking and representative organ of the united nations. National institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights the general assembly, recalling its previous resolutions, the most recent of which is resolution 63172 of 18december 2008, and those of the commission on. Recommendations on national legislation relevant to the. What southern cameroonians are fighting for is the restoration of their independence that was hijacked by the republic of cameroon with the help of france. General assembly 10 february 2015 united nations office. Resolution adopted by the general assembly on 6 april 2017 without reference to a main committee a71l. United nations general assembly resolution 51198 b. Calls upon israel to rescind all measures already taken and to desist forthwith from taking any action which would alter the status of. I of official records of the general assembly, fiftyfirst session, supplement no. Ares67290 format and organizational aspects of the.

But the contention that the general assembly is inherently incapable of. Considering that one of the purposes of the united nations, as stated in articles 1 and 55 of the charter, is to promote universal respect for, and observance of, human rights and fundamental freedoms for all without distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. Resolutions and decisions adopted by the general assembly during its 16th session. United nations general assembly resolution 293 wikisource. Questions relating to the programme budget for the biennium 20142015 the general assembly, i. General assembly distr general 19 august 2015 sixtyninth session agenda item 1512997 e 1512997 please recycle resolution adopted by the general assembly on 30 july 2015 without reference to a main committee a69l. Resolutions and decisions esubscription to united nations. Sep 02, 2018 i of official records of the general assembly, fiftyfirst session, supplement no. Considering that in article 56 of the charter all members of the united nations have pledged. The vote took place approximately one year after unga 3237 granted the plo observer status, following plo president yasser arafats olive branch speech to the general assembly in november 1974. United nations general assembly resolution 2625 by unic. United nations general assembly resolution 3379, adopted on 10 november 1975 by a vote of 72 to 35 with 32 abstentions, determined that zionism is a form of racism and racial discrimination. General assembly documents, resolutions and decisions have been. The definition has scarcely ever been used for its primary purpose as a guide to the security council in determining aggression by states.

Resolution 21 xx in its historical politicallegal context. Nations resolution 2625 xxv, the general assembly included the principle of. Acknowledges with appreciation the second annual report of the independent expert2 and takes note with interest of her recommendations and clarifications with regard to both the human rights obligations of states and the human rights responsibilities of non. Definition of aggression united nations office of legal affairs. United nations general assembly resolution 3314 wikisource. The united nations general assembly resolution 2625, the declaration on principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation. English 1043264 e 020710 1043264 sixtyfourth session agenda item 114 followup to the outcome of the millennium summit benin, bosnia and herzegovina, chile, costa rica, georgia, guatemala, jordan, nicaragua, norway, portugal and qatar. General assembly through its resolution 41128 on 4 december 1986, recalling commission on human rights resolution 200569 of 20 april 2005, in which the commission established the mandate of special representative of the secretary general on the issue of human rights and transnational corporations and other business. Establishment of a commission to deal with the problem raised by the discovery of atomic energy 1946. Names the same seven acts listed in unga resolution 3314 xxix as. Revised edition of the normative role of the general assembly of the united nations.

Tackling illicit trafficking in wildlife the general assembly. Sep 02, 2018 f shall render a report to the next regular session of the general assembly and to any prior special session which might be called to consider the subject matter of the present resolution, and shall render such interim reports as it may deem appropriate to the secretary general for transmission to members. The general assembly, guided by the purposes and principles of the charter of the united nations, and stressing in this regard the principle of equal rights and selfdetermination of peoples, recalling its resolution 2625 xxv of 24 october 1970, 1 by which it affirmed, inter alia, the duty of every state to promote, through joint and separate. Notes with deep regret that repatriation or compensation of the refugees as provided for in paragraph 11 of general assembly resolution 194 iii has not been effected, that no substantial progress has been made in the programme endorsed by the assembly in paragraph 2 of resolution 5 vi of 26 january 1952 for the reintegration of refugees. The general assembly, recalling security council resolution 237 1967 of 14 june 1967, recalling also its resolutions 2252 esv of 4 july 1967, 2452 a xxiii of 19 december 1968, calling upon the government of israel to take effective and immediate steps for the return without delay of those inhabitants who had fled the areas since the outbreak of hostilities, and 2535 b xxiv of 10. The united nations general assembly resolution 2625, the declaration on principles of international law concerning friendly relations and cooperation among states was adopted by the general. The general assembly, mindful of the determination proclaimed by the peoples of the world in the charter of the united nations to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women and of nations large and small and to promote social progress and better standards of. Resolution adopted by the general assembly on the report of the third committee a64439add. Resolutions and decisions, 10 january 14 february 1946.

General assembly through its resolution 41128 on 4 december 1986, recalling commission on human rights resolution 200569 of 20 april 2005, in which the commission established the mandate of special representative of the secretarygeneral on the issue of human rights and. Protection of global climate for present and future generations the general assembly. General assembly resolution 599 vi of 31 january 1952 question of defining aggression report of the secretarygeneral on the question of defining aggression. General assembly resolution 5938 of 2 december 2004 the general assembly, bearing in mind article, paragraph 1 a, of the charter of the united nations, recalling its resolution 32151 of 19 december 1977, in which it recommended that the international law commission take up the study of the law of jurisdictional immunities of states and. B sloan, united nations general assembly resolutions in our changing. United nations general assembly resolution 2625 wikipedia. Establishment of a commission to deal with the problem raised by the discovery of atomic energy 1946 unga 1.

Regular sessions 74th 2019 73rd 2018 72nd 2017 71st 2016 70th 2015 69th 2014 68th 20 67th 2012 66th 2011 65th 2010 64th 2009 63rd 2008 62nd 2007 61st 2006 60th 2005. General assembly distr general 10 february 2015 sixtyninth session agenda item 2 1468128 e 1468128 please recycle resolution adopted by the general assembly on 29 december 2014 on the report of the fifth committee a69422add. The general assembly, deeply concerned at the situation prevailing in jerusalem as a result of the measures taken by israel to change the status of the city, 1. General assembly resolution 21 xx of 21 december 1965. General assembly resolutions 1514 of 14 december 1960, 2066 of 16 december 1965, 2232 of 20 december 1966 and 2357 of 19 december 1967. Note that a resolution, as a formal instrument, may combine dif. Aug 31, 2018 where resolution 15l4 cv has not been fully implemented with regard in 3 given territory, the general assembly shall continue to bear responsibility for that territory until such time as the people concerned has had an opportunity to exercise freely its right to selfdetermination and independence in accordance with the declaration. Point, the court cited general assembly resolution 2625 xxv,p4 9 and. Resolutions and decisions, 19 september 1961 23 february 1962.

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